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our founder


Shreya Vemulapalli

Shreya Vemulapalli is a high school student at The Harker School with a passion for marketing, advocacy and fundraising. Shreya’s passion for advocacy started at the age of 9, as she was able to raise over 2,000 dollars through her artwork. Her aspirations contributed to the renovation of a new Lucile Packard hospital branch with the mission of improving patient care. In 2016, she was recognized as one of six "Champions for Children" and was featured on Lucile Packard’s website. At 14, she became the founder and executive director of her own non-profit cancel. cancer. culture, the first organization dedicated to challenging the stigma around the societal narrative of cancer. Personally, the impact of cancer has been a part of Shreya’s life for nearly five years due to her father’s diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and her grandmother’s experience with ovarian and breast cancer. After both her father’s and her grandmother’s passing, she rarely discussed her story due to her fear that cancer would define her. Shreya believes that she has only experienced a fraction of what 


her father, grandmother and many other cancer patients have gone through, but she hopes to take her experience as a family member of a cancer patient to empower every member of the cancer community, regardless of how they were impacted by giving them a platform to share their story.

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directors of fundraising 

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Serena Chi

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Chloee Yang

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Amber Wang

directors of product design 

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Anoushka Chakravarty

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directors of content management 

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Sathvik Vemulapalli

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Regina Zhang

chief financial officer

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Arianna Rahmathulla

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